Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

Adding Data
When adding data to a Database we call the data "Records" (please don’t confuse these with the text box txtRECORD or the variable called RECORD, as these are only specific to this project). When you add a Record you increase the record count by one and place the data at the end of the file.
x = Filelen (filetostoredata) / Len (Typename)
‘ The above line retrieves the number of records, normally only used once ‘ at the start of a file

x = x + 1
‘ The above line increases the record count by one, this is normally used ‘when you are about add data to the file.
Put #1, x, Typename
When you add a record the picture above would become one record larger, with three fields in that new record.

source: http://www.vbexplorer.com/VBExplorer/VBExplorer.asp
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